How to Get Unstuck - A Review · Every Captive Thought

How to Get Unstuck - A Review

When I received my review copy of How to Get Unstuck by Matt Perman, I couldn’t wait to dig in. Having thoroughly enjoyed Matt’s first book, I was excited to see where he went in the follow-up. As I read, I was happy to see he had continued the thread that he’d begun with his first book, and I found myself underlining and highlighting important points in no time.

The big point Matt makes in this book is this:

“We can sum up what it means to be unstuck like this: getting important work done through obstacles.”

When we boil most productivity advice down, this is the primary goal, and it was extremely helpful for Matt to so succinctly point it out. He then goes on to expand on that statement in these four sections, addressing the holistic nature of productivity and “getting unstuck.”

The book’s four sections are:

  1. The Problem and the Principles
  2. Personal Leadership: The Compass
  3. Personal Management: The Clock
  4. Special Obstacles: The Laser

Each of those then have further sub-points, but as a broad structure, those sections flesh out productivity and how to help when you feel yourself “stuck.”

The thing I like the most about this book, as well as Matt’s first, is his focus on the real reason for and source of productivity. Having read many, many books about productivity (and failed to implement much of the advice), the one thing they often lack is the true root of desiring to be productive and the personal character necessary for that productivity. His focus on the theological elements of productivity and the God-focused reasons to strive to be unstuck are welcome additions to an already crowded market of productivity advice.

Rather than just “tips and tricks,” Matt examines the heart and character elements necessary to be productive, and to get unstuck. Throughout the discussion of tactics, he weaves the threads of character, vision, and faith as the most important pieces of truly being productive, and for doing so for the right treasons.

My only critique is that the book did feel a little longer than it needed to be. There were some sections that seemed to belabor points and expound on them more than necessary. It sometimes felt like he was making the same point multiple times, said slightly different ways, and the book could have been a little shorter had that not been the case. That said, making efforts to provide clarity at the expense of being a little longwinded is preferable to being vague and leaving the reader confused.

Overall, I think this is a great companion to his first book, and one that stands apart from the mountains of other productivity resources available today. I’d definitely recommend this to anyone who is looking to improve their efficiency and productivity in a God-honoring way. Be sure to get your copy today.